Case history
What do our clients say about us
Some of our success stories: challenges faced, problems solved, satisfied customers.
Cluster HPC
HPE is a flexible, agile and innovative company, providing engineering solutions and complex technologies for counselting activities, for the management of complete projects and for development. For HPE we have designed a complete HPC infrastructure in compliance with the strategies of the company, able to achieve the objectives with an optimized investment. In this context, the main necessity was to improve internal activities focused on the prototyping of engines, co-design, simulation and production of components for the motorsport sector.

ENI Donegani - CRENC
Cluster HPC
CRENC is one of the most important industrial research centres in Europe. We have supplied and installed a modular HPC solution in compliance with the strategies of the research centre, which grew constantly acording to the investments done, until it has become a super-computational system with thousands of processors. It provides a modelling support for the internal research groups, that work in the non-conventional energy sector, offering the possibility to interpret experimental data and study new materials and processes.